How to Write a 4-Paragraph Analysis of a song, a picture, or a writing
by Stan Rummel

Our aim is to translate a "primary" source into one "integrating" value, without using any secondary information (emphasizing instead the interaction between the viewer/listener/reader and the work itself). We move from

(1) Identification and General Description of Content to
(2) Emotional Response and (3) Message to
(4) Integrating Value

This divides the report into four paragraphs:

FIRST PARAGRAPH: identification and general description of content

SECOND PARAGRAPH: your emotional response

* The observations should use categories (line, color, shape, texture, and design) from "Exploring Values in Art, Music, and Writings."
* Answer questions from the categories to validate your emotional response to the work.
* Explain why each of your observations supports your response.


THIRD PARAGRAPH: message that you derive from the work


* The observations should use categories (line, color, shape, texture, and design) from "Exploring Values in Art, Music, and Writings."
* Answer questions from the categories to validate the message you have identified.
* Explain why each of your observations supports the message you have identified.


FOURTH PARAGRAPH: integrating value