Thomas H. Huxley
(From The Westminster Review, April 1860.)
MR. DARWIN'S long-standing
and well-earned scientific eminence probably renders him indifferent to that
social notoriety which passes by the name of success; but if the calm spirit of
the philosopher have not yet wholly superseded the ambition and the vanity of
the carnal man within him, he must be well satisfied with the results of his
venture in publishing the 'Origin of Species'. … Everybody has read Mr. Darwin's
book, or, at least, has given an opinion upon its merits or demerits; pietists, whether lay or ecclesiastic, decry it with the
mild railing which sounds so charitable; bigots denounce it with ignorant
invective; old ladies of both sexes consider it a decidedly dangerous book, and
even savants, who have no better mud to throw, quote antiquated writers to show
that its author is no better than an ape himself; while every philosophical
thinker hails it as a veritable Whitworth gun in the armoury
of liberalism; and all competent naturalists and physiologists, whatever their
opinions as to the ultimate fate of the doctrines put forth, acknowledge that
the work in which they are embodied is a solid contribution to knowledge and
inaugurates a new epoch in natural history….
And whatever may be his theoretical views, no naturalist
will probably be disposed to demur to the following summary of that
Living beings, whether animals or
plants, are divisible into multitudes of distinctly definable kinds, which are
morphological species. They are also divisible into groups of individuals,
which breed freely together, tending to reproduce their like, and are
physiological species. Normally resembling their parents, the offspring of
members of these species are still liable to vary; and the variation may be
perpetuated by selection, as a race, which race, in many cases, presents all
the characteristics of a morphological species. But it is not as yet proved
that a race ever exhibits, when crossed with another race of the same species,
those phenomena of hybridization which are exhibited by many species when
crossed with other species. On the other hand, not only is it not proved that
all species give rise to hybrids infertile 'inter se', but there is much reason
to believe that, in crossing, species exhibit every gradation from perfect
sterility to perfect fertility.
Such are the most essential characteristics of
species. Even were man not one of them—a member of the same system and subject
to the same laws—the question of their origin, their causal connexion,
that is, with the other phenomena of the universe, must have attracted his
attention, as soon as his intelligence had raised itself above the level of his
daily wants.
Indeed history relates that such was the case, and
has embalmed for us the speculations upon the origin of living beings, which
were among the earliest products of the dawning intellectual activity of man….
The myths of Paganism are as dead as Osiris or
Zeus, and the man who should revive them, in opposition to the knowledge of our
time, would be justly laughed to scorn; but the coeval imaginations current
among the rude inhabitants of Palestine, recorded by writers whose very name
and age are admitted by every scholar to be unknown, have unfortunately not yet
shared their fate, but, even at this day, are regarded by nine-tenths of the
civilized world as the authoritative standard of fact and the criterion of the
justice of scientific conclusions, in all that relates to the origin of things,
and, among them, of species. In this nineteenth century, as at the dawn of
modern physical science, the cosmogony of the semi-barbarous Hebrew is the
incubus of the philosopher and the opprobrium of the orthodox. Who shall number
the patient and earnest seekers after truth, from the days of Galileo until
now, whose lives have been embittered and their good name blasted by the
mistaken zeal of Bibliolaters? Who shall count the host of weaker men whose
sense of truth has been destroyed in the effort to harmonize
impossibilities—whose life has been wasted in the attempt to force the generous
new wine of Science into the old bottles of Judaism, compelled by the outcry of
the same strong party?
It is true that if philosophers have suffered,
their cause has been amply avenged. Extinguished theologians lie about the
cradle of every science as the strangled snakes beside that of Hercules; and
history records that whenever science and orthodoxy have been fairly opposed,
the latter has been forced to retire from the lists, bleeding and crushed if
not annihilated; scotched, if not slain. But orthodoxy is the Bourbon of the
world of thought. It learns not, neither can it forget; and though, at present,
bewildered and afraid to move, it is as willing as ever to insist that the
first chapter of Genesis contains the beginning and the end of sound science;
and to visit, with such petty thunderbolts as its half-paralysed
hands can hurl, those who refuse to degrade Nature to the level of primitive
Philosophers, on the other hand, have no such
aggressive tendencies. With eyes fixed on the noble goal to which "per aspera et ardua" they tend,
they may, now and then, be stirred to momentary wrath by the unnecessary
obstacles with which the ignorant, or the malicious, encumber, if they cannot
bar, the difficult path; but why should their souls be deeply vexed? The
majesty of Fact is on their side, and the elemental forces of Nature are
working for them. Not a star comes to the meridian at its calculated time but
testifies to the justice of their methods—their beliefs are "one with falling
rain and with the growing corn." By doubt they are established, and open
inquiry is their bosom friend. Such men have no fear of traditions however venerable, and no respect for them when they become
mischievous and obstructive; but they have better than mere antiquarian
business in hand, and if dogmas, which ought to be fossil but are not, are not
forced upon their notice, they are too happy to treat them as non-existent.
The hypotheses respecting the origin of species
which profess to stand upon a scientific basis, and, as such, alone demand
serious attention, are of two kinds. The one, the "special creation"
hypothesis, presumes every species to have originated from one or more stocks,
these not being the result of the modification of any other form of living
matter—or arising by natural agencies—but being produced, as such, by a
supernatural creative act.
The other, the so-called "transmutation"
hypothesis, considers that all existing species are the result of the
modification of pre-existing species, and those of their predecessors, by
agencies similar to those which at the present day produce varieties and races,
and therefore in an altogether natural way; and it is a probable, though not a
necessary consequence of this hypothesis, that all living beings have arisen
from a single stock. With respect to the origin of this primitive stock, or
stocks, the doctrine of the origin of species is obviously not necessarily
concerned. The transmutation hypothesis, for example, is perfectly consistent
either with the conception of a special creation of the primitive germ, or with
the supposition of its having arisen, as a modification of inorganic matter, by
natural causes.
The doctrine of special creation owes its
existence very largely to the supposed necessity of making science accord with
the Hebrew cosmogony; but it is curious to observe that, as the doctrine is at
present maintained by men of science, it is as hopelessly inconsistent with the
Hebrew view as any other hypothesis….
… Deserving no aid from the powerful
arm of Bibliolatry, then, does the received form of the hypothesis of special
creation derive any support from science or sound logic? Assuredly
not much. The arguments brought forward in its favour
all take one form: If species were not supernaturally created, we cannot
understand the facts 'x' or 'y', or 'z'; we cannot understand the structure of
animals or plants, unless we suppose they were contrived for special ends; we
cannot understand the structure of the eye, except by supposing it to have been
made to see with; we cannot understand instincts, unless we suppose animals to
have been miraculously endowed with them.
As a question of dialectics, it must be admitted
that this sort of reasoning is not very formidable to those who are not to be
frightened by consequences. It is an 'argumentum ad ignorantiam'—take
this explanation or be ignorant.
But suppose we prefer to admit our ignorance
rather than adopt a hypothesis at variance with all the teachings of Nature?
Or, suppose for a moment we admit the explanation, and then seriously ask
ourselves how much the wiser are we; what does the explanation explain?...
But the hypothesis of special creation is not only
a mere specious mask for our ignorance; its existence in Biology marks the
youth and imperfection of the science. For what is the history of every science
but the history of the elimination of the notion of creative, or other
interferences, with the natural order of the phenomena which are the
subject-matter of that science? When Astronomy was young "the morning
stars sang together for joy," and the planets were guided in their courses
by celestial hands. Now, the harmony of the stars has resolved itself into
gravitation according to the inverse squares of the distances, and the orbits
of the planets are deducible from the laws of the forces which allow a
schoolboy's stone to break a window….
Harmonious order governing eternally continuous
progress—the web and woof of matter and force interweaving by slow degrees,
without a broken thread, that veil which lies between us and the Infinite—that
universe which alone we know or can know; such is the picture which science
draws of the world, and in proportion as any part of that picture is in unison
with the rest, so may we feel sure that it is rightly painted. Shall Biology
alone remain out of harmony with her sister sciences?...
The Darwinian hypothesis has the merit of being
eminently simple and comprehensible in principle, and its essential positions
may be stated in a very few words: all species have been produced by the
development of varieties from common stocks; by the conversion of these, first
into permanent races and then into new species, by the process of 'natural
selection', which process is essentially identical with that artificial
selection by which man has originated the races of domestic animals—the
'struggle for existence' taking the place of man, and exerting, in the case of
natural selection, that selective action which he performs in artificial
The evidence brought forward by Mr. Darwin in
support of his hypothesis is of three kinds. First, he endeavours
to prove that species may be originated by selection; secondly, he attempts to
show that natural causes are competent to exert selection; and thirdly, he
tries to prove that the most remarkable and apparently anomalous phenomena
exhibited by the distribution, development, and mutual relations of species,
can be shown to be deducible from the general
doctrine of their origin, which he propounds, combined with the known facts of
geological change; and that, even if all these phenomena are not at present
explicable by it, none are necessarily inconsistent with it. …
There is no fault to be found with Mr. Darwin's
method, then; but it is another question whether he has fulfilled all the
conditions imposed by that method. Is it satisfactorily proved, in fact, that
species may be originated by selection? that there is
such a thing as natural selection? that none of the
phenomena exhibited by species are inconsistent with the origin of species in
this way? If these questions can be answered in the affirmative, Mr. Darwin's
view steps out of the rank of hypotheses into those of proved theories; but, so
long as the evidence at present adduced falls short of enforcing that
affirmation, so long, to our minds, must the new doctrine be content to remain
among the former—an extremely valuable, and in the highest degree probable,
doctrine, indeed the only extant hypothesis which is worth anything in a scientific
point of view; but still a hypothesis, and not yet the theory of species.
After much consideration, and with assuredly no
bias against Mr. Darwin's views, it is our clear conviction that, as the
evidence stands, it is not absolutely proven… but we do not hesitate to assert
that it is as superior to any preceding or contemporary hypothesis, in the
extent of observational and experimental basis on which it rests, in its
rigorously scientific method, and in its power of explaining biological phenomena,
as was the hypothesis of Copernicus to the speculations of Ptolemy. But the
planetary orbits turned out to be not quite circular after all, and, grand as
was the service Copernicus rendered to science, Kepler
and Newton had to come after him. What if the orbit of Darwinism should be a
little too circular? … [V]iewed as a whole, we do not
believe that, since the publication of Von Baer's Researches on Development,
thirty years ago, any work has appeared calculated to exert so large an
influence, not only on the future of Biology, but in extending the domination
of Science over regions of thought into which she has, as yet, hardly